Hosted by Dr. Brady Goettl
We would love to see everyone in person this year but, we know schedules can be tight and travel may be difficult so, we are offering a virtual option for those who may not be able to attend in person.
The cost will be the same whether you choose in person or virtual. If you choose virtual you will be sent a link to the email provided the day before the workshop.
Workshop Agenda/Speakers
7:15AM Registration Opens
8:00AM Introduction and Fertility Overview- Brady Goettl
8:15AM The story of the prairies: how geology impacts soil management- Tom Desutter
9:00AM Soybean P- Lindsay Malone -Dayne Tallier
Break/Poster Session
10:00AM Enhancing Spring Wheat Yields through Split In-Season Nitrogen & Sulfer Applications- Sergio Cabello Leiva
10:30AM Soil pH/Liming- Chris Augustin
11:00AM Role of the trusted advisor in farm safety- Angie Johnson
11:30- Buffet Lunch Served
1:00PM Hydric soils/wetlands/farm bill- Shawn DeKeyser
1:30PM Irrigation and Drainage- Laxmi Prasad
2:00PM Cover Crop Water Project- Chandler Gruener
3:00PM How is Soil organic Matter like Money in the bank?- Carlos Pires
3:30PM The Good the Bad and the Ugly of Using Tillage for Weed Control- Jeff Stachler
4:00PM Bringing K back into the conversation- Brady Goettl
4:45 Program Ends