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Basic Beginnings Curriculum
Basic Beginnings originated to serve as a 16-lesson curriculum for parents with developmental disabilities. The curriculum was found to be very adaptable for use with English Language Learners and teen parents, who also benefit from the picture-filled PowerPoint slides with minimal text. The lessons are designed to be hands-on and interactive in the classroom setting with engaging worksheets that are ready to personalize for the family activity books. Learning tasks are designed to help parents connect to the topic as well as to the other parents in class. Demonstrations provide visual and physical cues for working with a baby or young child. Basic Beginnings contains four sections of four lessons each. Sections include; Building a Caring Relationship with Your Baby, Keeping Your Baby Safe and Well, Growing Together with Your Baby, and Caring for Yourself and Your Baby.
Design Your Succession Plan Curriculum
Designed to be taught by Extension educators with diverse subject matter expertise including agriculture economics, personal and family finance, community vitality, family and consumer science, or human resource specialists. Design Your Succession Plan Facilitator Toolkit (Includes participant binder, CD with all electronic files and evaluations)
Gearing Up for Kindergarten Parent Education Curriculum
This version of the program can be used in parent education with families of children ages 3 to 6 years of age. Key program building blocks are: Building school readiness skills for children, Parent education, and Parent involvement with children's learning and school.
Sessions include: what to expect (kindergarten skills), parenting styles, brain development, raising a reader, defining discipline: nurturance and prevention, defining discipline: guidance and consequences, responsible and independent, the importance of good-quality sleep, motor development, temperament, early math, social and emotional development, screen time vs. real life, feeding healthy habits, safety always, parents’ role in school success. Especially applicable for parents and families attending Head Start, preschool and/or Child Care. Curriculum includes: program support materials, PowerPoints, parent handouts, family activities and parent tip cards. For additional information, contact Krista Olson at 701-231-8652.
Gearing Up for Kindergarten: Parent Education Curriculum PLUS Parent and Child Activity Time Handbook
This version of the program can be used in parent education with families of children 4 to 6 years of age. Key program building blocks are: Building school readiness skills for children, Parent education, and Parent involvement with children's learning and school.
Sessions include: what to expect (kindergarten skills), parenting styles, brain development, raising a reader, defining discipline: nurturance and prevention, defining discipline: guidance and consequences, responsible and independent, the importance of good-quality sleep, learning styles, temperament, early math, social and emotional development, screen time vs. real life, feeding healthy habits, safety always, parents’ role in school success. This program is most effective when used the year prior to kindergarten entry.
The parent and child activity time handbook is used by the Early Childhood Teacher. It contains lesson plans for circle time and five learning center lessons per week for parent/child classroom time. The curriculum also includes table tents for center time activities, session support materials, PowerPoints, parent handouts, family activities, and parent tip cards. For additional information, contact Krista Olson at 701-231-8652.
Gearing Up For Middle School Electronic Curriculum
This curriculum contains nine parent education lessons and nine lessons for students who are entering middle school. The program was designed to be delivered in threes. Three sessions offered the winter prior to middle school, three sessions the following spring and the final sessions in the fall as students enter middle school. Though it can be delivered in many different ways.
Parent education topics include: three lessons about growth and change including: brain development and thinking, social, emotional, and physical development. The three lessons regarding partnering with education are: academics and new expectations, parent involvement with school, and home environments for learning and success. The final lessons focus on your role as a parent and include: parenting the middle school years, parenting styles, and guidance and discipline.
Student topics include: three lessons onhow I am changing; choices, independence, physical development. Three lessons on what middle school is all about. The building and routines at school, managing relationships, and understanding responsibilities and expectations. The final three lessons cover your role as a student and include you as an individual, as a friend, as a student.
Additionally, science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) activities for parents and students are included as well as lesson handouts. Materials are electronic and you will receive the curriculum on a flash drive.
Kids Baking School Curriculum
The curriculum is provided on a flash drive with reproducible handouts and other material. The curriculum consists of five lesson plans with hands-on science-based activities, a workbook with recipes, picture-based recipes, additional Extension handouts, PowerPoint presentations and survey evaluation tools.
On the Move to Better Health Junior
This five-lesson curriculum is designed for second-graders. It aims to improve dietary quality (especially an increase in fruits, vegetables) in children’s diets and improve fitness habits through goal setting and hands-on activities. Parents receive newsletters and participate in goal setting and other family-based activities. The Flashdrive includes all lessons and handouts.
Teens Serving Food Safely
This five-lesson curriculum is designed to improve teens’ food handling knowledge and skills based on the four steps to food safety (clean, separate, cook and chill). The curriculum includes experiments, discussions and hands-on activities to promote safe food handling and the use of thermometers in home and community-based settings. The Flashdrive includes all lessons and handouts.