Parents Forever

Parents Forever is a family transition program for parents as they continue to parent together through a divorce or separation, parents who are divorced and experiencing challenges with co-parenting, and for never-married parents when they decide to parent apart. Children need safety, care and freedom from parental conflict, as well as love and limits from both parents.


  • Taking care of yourself
  • Taking care of your children
  • Being successful with co-parenting


Divorce can be a challenging and painful transition that children experience differently than adults. The distress of the adults involved in a divorce can interfere with their ability to respond to their children and their children’s needs.
The tools and information shared in this course help parents minimize stress for themselves and their children and improve adjustments to this life transition.

A book for this class will be mailed to you within one week of your registration. You will also receive an introductory email with more information on accessing the class, including the Zoom link to use. 


Please scroll down to view additional dates. 

April 15 and 16th, 2025

6-8pm Central Time

Fields with asterisk are required.
Relationship to the child(ren) in your care (Please check all that apply): *
If applicable, please indicate your community professional position (Please check all that apply):
May 19 and 20th, 2025

6-8pm Central Time

Fields with asterisk are required.
Relationship to the child(ren) in your care (Please check all that apply): *
If applicable, please indicate your community professional position (Please check all that apply):
June 17th and 18th, 2025

6-8pm Central Time

Fields with asterisk are required.
Relationship to the child(ren) in your care (Please check all that apply): *
If applicable, please indicate your community professional position (Please check all that apply):
July 14,15,16 and 17th, 2025

12-1pm Central Time

Fields with asterisk are required.
Relationship to the child(ren) in your care (Please check all that apply): *
If applicable, please indicate your community professional position (Please check all that apply):
August 6 and 7th, 2025

6-8pm Central Time

Fields with asterisk are required.
Relationship to the child(ren) in your care (Please check all that apply): *
If applicable, please indicate your community professional position (Please check all that apply):
September 16 and 17th, 2025

6-8pm Central Time

Fields with asterisk are required.
Relationship to the child(ren) in your care (Please check all that apply): *
If applicable, please indicate your community professional position (Please check all that apply):
December 8,9,10, and 11th, 2025

12-1pm Central Time

Fields with asterisk are required.
Relationship to the child(ren) in your care (Please check all that apply): *
If applicable, please indicate your community professional position (Please check all that apply):